Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Two and a Half Minutes

Lately I've noticed that I'm finding myself either loving or hating commercials.  Here are some that I adore and others I find a big fat bore!


1. Volkswagon commercial with the little boy dressed as Darth Vadar.  Having two boys I especially appreciate the magic of this commercial.  I get so excited for the little guy when the car starts, I can just picture how my boys would react.  Who am I kidding, my husband gets as much delight from this commercial as my sons.  It's fabulous!!  I rank this commercial right up there with one of my favorite commercials of all time. (see #2)

2. We normally think of this song toward the end of November and in December but the folks at Stapels brilliantly used the Christmas standard, "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" for their back to school ad campaign.  This commercial came out before I ever had kids, but even so, I've adored this commercial since it first came out some time in the 90's.  I love when the father uses the staplers like they are castinets and then goes gliding down the aisle on a shopping cart.  Brilliant - just brilliant!!!

3. Take that Starbucks! was the message being sent by McDonald's with their commercials featuring two guys who wanted to enjoy a good cup of coffee without all the pretention.  "Now I can shave this 'thing' off of my face." (gesturing to the 'soul patch' under his lip)  Lol - good fun!

4.  Another favorite of mine is the Puffs Plus Pals commercials.  You know the ones I mean; it tells a little story with cute characters in softened animation.  I just think the commercials are so sweet - love them.


1.  I know a lot of people love these commercials, but there's just something about those homeboy hampsters of the Kia car commercials that just creepy me out!!  I find the drummer and the one sort groovin' in the car especially disturbing.

2. The modelquinns were bad enough - but no, no, not the songs!!  Who writes the lyrics to the Old Navy commercials?  One of the most irritating  was the onethey had for their 'breezy blouses' set to the tune of "I Think We're Alone Now".  "The breezy blouse is great for work or play.  Can I have more whip on my latte?"  Seriously?!!  Ahhhh... Then they came out with their workout clothes commercial; "Don't jiggle it when you wiggle it."  Oh my goodness, make the madness stop!!!!

3. Planet Fitness - 'I pick things up and I put them down' - I see this commercial and I change the channel.  'Nough said.

4.  I'm cheating for #4; instead of naming a specific commercial or company, I am stating how much I dislike commercials that portray men as idiots, women as *itches and glorify bratty spoiled children.  For the past week there have been commercials advertising Halloween candy and a few of the ads showed children greedily reaching into candy bowls and taking handfuls.  This was supposed to be funny.. or cute.  Well this translated into real life.  On Halloween a little boy who was about 4 / 5 years old came to the door, I dropped a few pieces of candy into his bucket and then he reached over and took a big handful of additional candy.  Mum and dad's response?  They called out to him and took a picture and said 'that was so cute!'  Seriously?  I think it's rude!!  Not the 4 year old's fault, it was mom and dad who were truly the rude ones as it's their job to teach jr right from wrong.   But I digress...  Wrotten commercials.

So what are the commercials you love or loathe?

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