Monday, August 3, 2009

One Down..

I did something today that I have never done in my life!
I mowed the lawn!

You see, as I looked out of the back window and saw the Serengeti, I decided something must be done or the children may get lost playing in the 'safety' of their own yard.

I shovel snow in the winter. I rake and bag leaves in the fall and spring (hate that it needs doing again due to leaves not knowing when they are supposed to fall off for goodness sakes). But mowing? Uh, no! Don't do it. You have to draw the line somewhere, and that's where my neon line is drawn my friends!! However....

My poor husband is layed up at the moment with an injured foot, so he is out of commission in so far as fulfilling his husbandly duties. (aka - yard work!)

So out I went with my husband's keys. This in and of itself proved to be a mission. "Which of these 72 keys goes to the lock on the shed" I wondered. After about only 12 tries, I cracked the first challenge. Next, "how the heck do I work this thing?"

"Hi, Julie? I have a weird question for you. Um, do you know how to turn on a lawn mower.. and then how do you shut it off when you're done?" With excellent directions, I had it! It took me only 3 pulls of the cord to get the machine going! Not only that, but once I got it started, my fans started to cheer me, "Yeah Mummy - you did it, you did it!" Their little fists were pounding in the air and all. I felt like a champ. Oh, wait a minute, I haven't done anything yet...

Off I went. What would I call my lawn mowing technique? Vacuumesque! Yes, I worked that baby like a Eureka! As best as I could that is. You see, lawn mowers as it turns out, are not easy to maneuver. "Hello, I'd like to speak to Mr. Dyson please." I love English accents typically, but his is rather snotty. I'd deal with it though to ask him to design a lawn mower that pivots on a ball. (see, you need a woman's insight on these things) Any who.. not going to worry, this will not become a real regular thing. After all, my neon line and all.

So on and on I went, cutting the long wafty grass with each pass. I finished when the mower started sputtering from the empty gas tank. I looked back. Yes, well done I think to myself. A very interesting pattern I left in the grass. I call it, lawn art! The National Enquirer may call it something else, and if they were to come around, I'd sell them all the pictures they wanted and call it a day :) (that's what people get for buying that rag.)

I was quite happy with my accomplishment. The only problem... I still have the front yard to do. Ugh!! The only other problem, migraine from the sun - double Ugh!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Aaaah, me too! I wonder if we were mowing at the same time...? It's a lot harder than I remember it, but oddly calming. I enjoyed it and I liked that it was kind of a workout! I did mine at night so thankfully I avoided the nasty heat. I will say that it got a bit dark, and a section of grass looked like a beard that someone took a dull razor to! Oh well...