Square Peg: a person in a position, situation, etc. for which they are unsuited or unqualified.
Time and time again, I am finding myself in very uncomfortable situations. This square peg just isn't fittin' into some of the circles I used to! (or jeans... I'm just sayin')
I frequently find myself looking on to a conversation or event with nothing to add. Yes, me, at a loss for words! (Those who know me well are raising their eyebrows right now.) Then, I start to have an inner dialog and analyze the fact that I have nothing to add. Let me just say right now, that I am a champion over-analyzer!!!! (this is common with us chicas, I know)
Has this happen to you?
Through my 'over-analyzing', I have come to believe that in some circumstances, I have outgrown the relationship. (by this, please understand that I don't mean I'm 'better' than anyone! rather, our thoughts, values, perspectives have just gone in different directions.) We don't look at things the same way or value things on the same level. What is of primary interest and important to me is not to them, and visa versa. One's ways are not better than the others, just different.
I'm wondering if again, I'm entering another season of life. We are constantly a work in progress. I think I may just be on the Potter's wheel again getting reshaped. (this time could it involve a smaller dress size too please.. you know, while you're at it and all..)
As uncomfortable as it is (and it really is!!!) I'm reminded of what great comfort and wisdom I get from reading the book of James. I remember that God will perfect us in our faith through trials.
Lord, this too shall pass I know. Help me not give in to self doubt or fear as I know You are in control and have a greater purpose for everything! Thank you for the joy you have given me and that even in trial, it never dies out!!
Staff Features: A Glimpse of Grace
5 years ago
This is hard for me, too!
Maybe that stretching feeling is a growing pain?
If you figure it out, let me know ;-)
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