Here's a picture I took a few weeks back. Looking pretty good. They've grown like weeds good little veggies since then. My, they grow up so fast!
Today I had to do something that I've been dreading. I had to move two of my tomato plants due to crowding. The tomato plants were all doing so well, but they were too crowded and I knew that it was going to become a problem. So today I moved two plants 'open' areas of the garden. (ie. I tossed one of the potatoes that didn't have any sprouts coming out of it and then I moved a sickly looking bean).
I dug generous holes and then put some good potting soil in. I then carefully dug up to tomato plants - still afraid that I could have damaged them in some way. Next I planted them in their new spots and gave them some water. Now I'm just praying that they'll take to their new neighborhoods!! I'll be so sad if they don't, but I had to do something.
I'm now a little disappointed that my garden is no longer symetrical and pretty. It's a little mish-moshed looking. who cares as long as I get some veggies, right?
Well that's it for this installment. I hope to report soon about some happy tomato plants that entered the relocation program!